Pricing and other matters:

1. This system is free. There is no purchase cost or lease fee. However, you
    may not redistribute or sell the software.

2. On-site installation and training is available. Fees vary according to location.
    Help telephone calls are also available for $1.00 per minute during normal
    working hours. We are on Central Time. 

3. Updates and enhancements are made periodically. Check our download site
    occasionally for these.

4. Don't want to do it yourself?  Fax us your orders and we will e-mail you
    back your printable MAR, TAR, PO, and other documentation for the
    coming month.  Contact us for details and pricing. 

5. If you would like a demonstration or more information, e-mail us at:  You may also call us during normal working
    hours at: 417-443-0853.

About the author:

Andy Anderson is a semi-retired systems analyst who during his career,
participated in computer projects for major health care organizations such as
Hillhaven and Meadowbrooke Manor.  He culminated his corporate career by
successfully creating and directing the information process for a 128 facility
management group.

Several years ago, he was looking for a retirement skill and a daughter, who
has her B.S.N., suggested that he become an L.P.N.

As a nurse, he found that nursing was far behind when it came to office
technology.   Particularly disappointing to him were the medication and
treatment administration software offerings.

He decided to design a system for nurses and C.M.T.'s who perform this
aspect of patient care.  This software is the result.


This website, its content, and all electronic pages contained herein © 1996-2013 by Jill E. McLeester and THREE Systems.