Our Direct Lines
When one begins the search for one's roots, there are usually at least four surnames to help one get started. Then as one moves back in time the number of names grows and grows. Sometimes one can go far enough back that surnames from one line appear in another line and the speculation starts one wondering if way back somewhere the family lines are all mixed up together.
We have found that we do have common surnames in several lines that we wonder about. Some of these common names are Reed, Hoyt, Bell, and Gorman.
Here are the main surnames in our Direct lines. Where photographs are available a link is provided. The entries in our Direct lines can be reached through the Surnames and Individuals links. Links to broader compilations for each surname are given after the base surname.
Photos Jill's pictures
Neal, Lang >
Hoyt >
McGinnis, Brandt, Smithanna
The Hoyt line continues back to Simon Hoyte. Other surnames in the direct line are: Lamson, Timpson, Gold, Pickett, Higginbotham, Keeler, Slawson, Munson, Tinker, Stoodlie, Merwin and Bartlett.
Reed >
Photos Rainey, Hearn,
Presnall, Cain, Hardy, Foltz/Fuller,
Gallaway, Fielding,
The photo link for Reed pictures, contains links to photo pages for each of the 13 children of Robert Lee and Emma (Foltz) Reed.
Tibbetts Tibbetts Connections
The Tibbetts line continues back to Henry Tibbetts. Other surnames in the direct line are: Snow, Young, Larrabee, and Canney
Connections >
The Heustis line continues back to Robert Hustis/Husted. Other surnames in the direct line are: Bishop, Ferris, Pell, Buxton, and Pinckney.
Family of John Hoyt McLeester and Wenonah
Althea Reed >
first spouse's and my childrens' lines
Swearingen >
Photos Ray,
Melvin, Seay Swearingen
The Swearingen line continues back to Gerrett Van Sweringen. Other surnames in the direct line are: Bowling, Farmer, Doyne, De Barrette, and Sanders.
Paul Tharpe Moody Courtney
Bell Starling Sawyer Burch
My second
spouse's lines
Threat Jackson Works Deathrage
My third (and final) spouse's lines
O'Gorman/Gorman >
Andy's pictures
Long Henderson
Wathen Riney Coomes Hughes Kaltenbacher
The Wathen line continues back to John Wathen who came from England to Maryland on the Francis and Mary which sailed from Bristol on Sep 10 1670. Other surnames in the direct line are: Woods, Hawkins, Merriman, and Brayne.
Fugazzi Arzino Joyce Herbert
As with all other compilations that I present, I make no claims as to authenticity. Other than that of my direct line, I have no proof of any data. While some of it seems plausible, I leave the responsibility of proving the truth to each person. I have source document originals and copies of some data and will gladly mail copies of these to interested individuals. When a seeming connection is made, I urge each to start digging for the real, positive, and tangible records that will make that connection reality and not mere speculation.
Return to the Introduction
& Table of Contents
of Contributors & Sources
Please visit The Pumpkin's Roots
for more information.
with related data
E. Cain's Website
Others have contributed their data to these lines and are noted on the individual entries. To find the E-mail addresses and, where available, links to the web sites of contributors, please visit the List of Contributors & Sources.
Please be ethical and do not misuse the goodwill of others. The data presented here may be used by non-commercial entities as long as the source contributor for each piece of data is cited along with that contributor's submitter information. The data presented and the web pages herein cannot be used, copied or reproduced in any format for profit or any presentation meant to gain profit.
I welcome all comments, corrections, and suggestions. Please let me know of typos and E-mail addresses or links that no longer work. Thank you all for your help.
Send E-mail
to Jill (aka The
Send mail to: Jill E. McLeester, P. O. Box 219, Spokane, MO 65754
This website and all electronic pages contained herein © 1996-2015 by Jill E. McLeester.
Links to this website are encouraged.
Useful links for researching your ancestors.