Medication Administration
THREE Systems FAQ's ......

If you are
wondering about us, here are some questions you
might ask.
1. How long have you been established?
In 1970 we developed the first LTC accounting
system for
IBM compatible computers.
2. What security do your users have for programming?
Our programs are backed up weekly to three
sites on the
Internet. One of these is encoded to
laser disk.
We also have an additional off-site back up on
Zip Drive.
In addition, we have a hard disk backup to an
networked computer.
3. What do you do about maintenance?
For a fixed monthly fee we provide any
updates, or bug fixes that are necessary for
operation in
any state.
In addition, we have a contract with another
provider to
furnish support in the event that, for some
reason, we
cannot. All clients are given access to
this provider.
4. What are the minimum system hardware requirements?
A. Microsoft Windows 95/98 or NT
B. 32 megabytes RAM
C. Graphic card/monitor resolution of 640
X 480 X 24 bit
D. 300 megabytes free hard disk space
E. Suitable tape or Zip/Jazz drive backup
F. 28K baud modem
G. Printer supported by Windows drivers
5. Can you
"Batch Bill" to Medicare providers under the new
HIPAA rules?
Yes. We have completed testing for the federally mandated
National Electronic Data Interchange
Transaction Set
(ASC X12N 837- 004010X096). |