Medication Administration
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During the mid 1990's, it
was fashionable for software
developers to offer systems with "user defined" reports. This
meant that users could specify the reports to be generated by
the system and the data that was to appear on them. It was a
popular concept for several reasons.
First, developers only had to write data entry programs that
created the database. They could then employ one of the
numerous report generating packages available from other
software vendors that would format selected data and print a
report. Thus, the amount of work required of the developer
was drastically reduced.
Secondly, the developer didn't need in-depth knowledge about
the industry since it would be up to the user to select data and
define the reports to be printed.
Thirdly, the market appeal of this scheme would be significant
since the user would feel that the system could be
"customized" to their preferences.
Even though it did appeal to the user at first, it ultimately
First, most healthcare facilities did not have personnel with the
time or ability to properly utilize a database and report
Secondly, even if a facility was able to successfully specify the
reports it wanted, it was unlikely that these reports met the
accounting and fiscal management needs that are so unique to
long term care.
Thirdly, software that worked like this required exaggerated
computer resources that stressed the budget. Moreover, the
system as a whole operated slowly which required more time
from the personnel involved.
It was a case of the old adage: Be careful of what you wish for,
you may get it.
When we at THREE Systems designed our current
we adapted a different strategy. We are not outside vendors
but have worked in long term care both in administration and
nursing for over thirty years. We have a thorough knowledge
of its' accounting requirements and more importantly, we are
not about to embarrass ourselves with our fellow healthcare
workers by offering a system that doesn't work.
What we have is a system that we can guarantee meets all
basic accounting requirements and then some, operates with
a very modest need for computer hardware and quite possibly
has the fastest operating speed in the industry.
The reports are NOT customizable but represent what our
experience has shown to be the most efficient and effective
presentation of management and reportage data and we are
constantly improving this.
The Chart of Accounts, Balance Sheet and Operating
Statement groupings, payroll deductions, vacation accruals
and other important specifications ARE highly customizable.
To address the need for special reports or accounting tasks,
we offer two mechanisms.
First, there is a function that creates a spreadsheet version of
all major files. These can then be easily imported into standard
spreadsheet programs like Excel, Lotus 123 and Quatro Pro.
Secondly, for our users, we offer custom programming at
about half the prevailing rate. Thus, there can be custom-
ization without sacrificing efficiency.
To ensure compatibility and longevity, we use no software
from other vendors. Each accounting function has been
custom coded by us to specific healthcare industry
requirements. We program in the most widely used computer
language in the world and are fully Windows compatible.
Software Limitations
From 1 to 1000 facilities can be processed by a single
installation. Files can be fully shared by workstations on a
network. A detail of accounting transactions and payments to
vendors and employees is available for 18 months. Balances
for General Ledger accounts and patient days are available for
24 months.
Generally, we can be contacted directly 10 hours a day during
the work week but there are provisions for voice and e-mail.
Response time is immediate to 12 hours in worst case.
Additionally, we have an optional subscription service that
provides monthly updates that can be downloaded from our
Internet web site.
Via the Internet, facilities that lack a qualified bookkeeper can
send us their data for processing and have it returned ready
for generating claims, checks and reports on their own
The Internet
As the Internet develops and matures, so will our use of it
increase. Currently, it is used to distribute information and
updates to users. Additionally, we have incorporated functions
into the system which allow multi-facility organizations to
transmit and receive data to and from a central office.